Sunday, January 9, 2011

Humble Yourself

   Arrogance is such an ugly personality trait to possess. When people come off as arrogant, cocky, condescending, and the like, there is usually a deep-seated insecurity that lies beneath. When one has to make an effort to show others that they are superior, the "superiority is usually a carefully laid out facade.

   Humble, modest---do these words mean anything to anyone anymore? Or did they become extinct when society started teaching us that our sense of worth is how many degrees we have on our wall or how many figures make up our yearly salary???

  To be truly wise is to know that you know nothing at all. To be truly wise is to always be open to new ideas, doctrines, and philosophies, and to always be learning new things with the eyes of a newborn child and with a mind as open as the vast plains...

   Instead of the common term " ignorance is bliss", rather I believe that innocence is bliss. To be able to live innocently does not parallel immaturity or naivety. To be able to exist with an aura of innocence actually requires some intelligence.

   When someone gets set in their ways and has closed off their mind to new possibilities and alternative ways of thinking and living, that is when their spiritual growth is stunted. They are just treading water but not swimming...

   To be humble and modest is to never let your pride or ego get in the way. Life is not a competition against others!!! If anything, life is a competition against yourself---to be able to challenge and push yourself towards goals conductive to being a better human being, always able to admit your faults and shortcomings---now THAT takes a genuinely strong person. No one likes to admit when they are wrong, but to be able to reflectively look at one's self  is a quality that is imperative to possess in order for one's soul to grow.

   Beauty has absolutely nothing to do with what you look like on the outside. True beauty has everything to do with how you are on the inside. You can be a stunningly gorgeous person on the outside, but you can be so ugly if you are rotting on the inside...

  Now people, I know that we all have been brainwashed in this man-created society, but we have our OWN minds, we can create our OWN reality. The media doesn't have to dictate our values, how we choose to live, and who we are as a person. We have our own minds, and we are intelligent and intuitive enough to know what is REALLY important. Not how many degrees we have, how many words we know, how many cars are in our garage, and so on and so on. What is REALLY important is what kind of person we are, more descriptively, how kind, compassionate, forgiving, empathetic, open-minded, non-judgemental, supportive, encouraging, and passionate we are.

   Life can be over in the blink of an eye if you're always wallowing in your misery or striving to get to the "top". We need to live in the moment, the only thing that exists is the here and now. Soon this exact moment will be just a memory. We may not think much of it now, but after a good amount of time goes by, we will look back on our "past" with a sense of nostalgia... Then we will wish that we appreciated the moment when it was actually here!!!

   The only thing that we need to know is that we know nothing. The meaning of life is to give life meaning. Stay humble, modest, and true... Stay simple.... Simplicity is the closest thing to heaven... Don't compromise your soul for anything or anybody... You are a beautiful innocent child, who always wants to learn, grow, and embrace change.

   Instead of being prudent, live and exist in the day, in the here and now. This very moment will never come again so appreciate every drop of it while it's here. Say what you need to say, do what your HEART(not mind) tells you to do, and stay everlastingly humble. Keep an open mind and an open heart always, and true happiness is sure to be yours...


  1. My goddess, I think sometimes that you rip every word outta my heart and paste it onto this blog. You are a refreshing intellectual goddess! Its nice to know that there are people like you. I await every blog you write. Every word you write is from within me screaming to get out, and you get it out for me in a nice philosophical and intellectual view without pretense or arrogance. That is very rare these days. I cannot stand condescension, intolerance, or ignorance. Im like u in that manner where innocence is the way to go. And although it has made me feel naive at some points in my life, i always feel free and decent in any philosophical, political or religious argumentation. But yeah, in this sense, pertaining to this subject, i also believe that the world would be a better place if people lived in innocence.

  2. You are a beautiful soul and that's why you can appreciate beauty!!!
