Monday, February 28, 2011

On Turning Thirty...

   I am about to turn thirty. Yes, on April 5th, life as a "twenty-something" will be over. So how do I take this? many people take facing thirty years old as a negative event....scary....closer to death!!!
   I, on the other hand, am looking at turning thirty as a positive event. my entire "twenties" were fun, but they lacked things that I am just now beginning to gain. in my twenties, i was locked in a mind-set of partying, night-life....I couldn't get enough. I HAD to be where the excitement was at!!!
   I didn't have a child right away, because I wanted to give myself time to have fun, experience craziness and things that I couldn't do if I had the responsibility of motherhood.
   As a student of "extremes", I went too far. I got in legal messes, permanently destructed brain cells with excessive usage of drugs, on and get the picture. If I could go back in time with the knowledge I have today, maybe things would be a little different. But everything happens for a reason, so without those experiences, I wouldn't be who I am today.
   Now let's talk about who I am today... I have enjoyed the "party scene", traveled the country, constructed philosophies on life,etc. I have abused my body enough, with every drug imaginable and enough alcohol to cause cirrhosis of the liver. It's time to evolve, it's time to change...
  I had a son at the age of twenty-seven. His name is Jayden and he is the center of my life./ I am finally starting to feel comfortable in my own skin. I am starting to gain knowledge about how to associate with people in a rewarding kind of way. Things are becoming easier. I am finally growing up. It feels good!!!!
   I am beginning to take care of my body more, nourishing my mind, feeding my soul... I want to learn , educate myself on new things, possibly begin taking courses in my and nutrition! I want to excel, I want to evolve and grow. Keep moving forward, progressing and being proactive in life! I get it now... It takes some souls longer than others to understand how we are supposed to live our lives. With compassion, empathy, and a gentle kindness towards others. Take hold of your dreams and make them happen!
    This life is ours to live, we create our own reality . What's true in our minds is true. Turning thirty for a wake-up call. On what is really important in life. I am more at peace within myself, I know myself better than I did at twenty. My missions now--- Be the best mother that I can be, be the best wife someday that I can be, and always accept change as a positive aspect of life. Always growing, always evolving.
   I am embracing thirty!!!! These years are prudent to having a healthy, stable, progressive life!!! I am looking forward to turning forty, for I have found the love of my life and I am excited to take this journey called "life" with him and my son!!!
   But for now, I am ready to embrace my thirties. Life is a roller-coaster, and I am strapped in for the ride!!!

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